My sister was tagged with a cute idea to say interesting facts about her kids using the letters of their names. So I will be trying it too.
E- Energetic- Emily could bounce and jump and sing all day long. She has endless amounts of energy and could play outside from dawn to dusk if I let her. The other kids get tired and beg to go in, not Emily, she has way too much energy for one little 4 year old.
M- Mature- She is very mature for her age. I often have people ask, "How old is she again?" She loves playing with her older cousins because she seems to be right on level with them. She asks very deep and thinking questions about space, the ocean, death, heaven, God, etc. Things that I wouldn't think she would understand enough to discuss.
I- Intelligent- Emily loves to learn. Everyday she says she is doing some school and wants to read to me- and is doing amazingly well too. She is reading words like "sacrament" and "baptized" all by herself and reading entire children's stories to herself. She loves to know facts and when she was 3 she wanted to memorize the names of all the planets. She has since forgotten, but those kinds of things are what she loves to do.
L- Laugh- She loves to laugh and giggle and make silly jokes. She is a lot like her daddy who loves to joke around. They have a lot of fun together because of this. She also makes everyone else around her laugh and wanted to add that she is comic relief. She is just hilarious with the things she does and says.
Y- YIKES!- is what I have said often enough when Emily goes to "helping" with the baby. She is really a big help, but when she grabs the baby by her arm and yanks her or stuffs food in her mouth. I have to tell her, "Thanks for the help Emily, but I think Mommy is going to do that."
L- Loving- Lindsey IS very loving. She has a tender heart and if she thinks anyone is getting hurt it really makes her sad. Robert and Emily were tickling me and I was screaming and joking and she really thought I was getting hurt and she started to cry and try to get them off of her mommy. It happens all the time and is really sweet.
I- Imp- that pretty much can sum it ALL up! She gets into everything. When she is about to do something she knows she shouldn't, she looks back at you to get a reaction. She messes and runs away, gets dirty- typical 16 month old with an extra amount of impiness.
N- NOISY- She is SO noisy! She loves to scream at the top of her lungs, mostly when she is mad. She is loud and shreaky and is going to break my eardrums one day.
D- Daredevil- She climbs everything and sticks her foot out until she falls. She is not afraid at all! Emily was very timid to do things like that, Lindsey is not the same.
S- Sweet- She is very sweet and cuddly. I get kissed and cuddled all the time by this baby. She has always loved to hug everyone.
E- Eat- This is for the times when she is a bottomless pit and I cannot seem to feed her enough or fast enough. And for the times when she hates everything I give her and will only eat when she walks around and comes back for whatever is in my hand.
Y- Yummy- She is so squishy and I just love to tickle and eat her up. She has the softest baby skin and is so deliciously baby cute!