Who says when you are sick with a cold and a cough, stuck in the house and have laundry to fold that you can't have a party at the same time? Emily and Lindsey have been stuck in the house with horrid coughs. We have been inside the house for days and my laundry was piling up. Emily was so sick of being couped up while the kids in the neighborhood are running through the sprinklers and having BBQs right outside our window. I need to fold laundry and she needs attention. Well, heck, who says you can't combine both needs?! So when the baby went down for her nap (this is often Emily and Mommy time and I try to think of something fun for her or for both of us) I told her we would have a party while we folded the laundry and ate a treat.

I look in the fridge and pantry only to find NO CHOCOLATE in the house! Oh yeah, I don't keep chocolate in the house or I would be a million lbs by now. No ice cream, same reason. So basically no treats. Say, we have canned peaches AND whipped cream. Peaches and cream- absolutely! Now for a girls movie.
My girls are never too young to introduce girly movies to.

Emily really had fun and folded all of the wash cloths, her underwear and sorted out the socks for me. Thanks so much Emily for a fun day together! I hate it when they are sick and I am stuck inside too, but once in awhile it is nice to build some memories together.
It sounds like a perfect day!
What a fun idea!! That is a great memory making day. :)
Way to make a good memory out of a yucky situation! Yea for girly movies! Brynn and I watched 7 Brides for 7 Brothers the other day while she had a stomach bug. She loved it!
Ohhh, so cute! And I love the quality of your pictures now! Don't you love that camera?!!? I really want Little Women, that is the best movie ever!!
I love that movie. It's been forever since I've seen it. I need a little girl to watch it with. I just don't think the boys would last. Glad the girls are feeling better, now you can come back out for some fresh air.
That is awesome!!! Sounds like my kind of day! And you know she will remember the fun time you had forever! Peaches and cream sounds fantastic!!! (She is just adorable by the way!!)
Okay, Sherri posted a SWEET blog about her daughter, and now YOU! I need a girl! I want little women movie time and peaches and cream. *sigh*
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