This book is very interesting. I get a kick out of listening to him on the radio and watching Beck on TV. It is nice to hear someone who comes from the other side of things for once. Whether a person disagrees with him politically, he is the other voice you don't hear. He is also REALLY funny! I can't count the many times I laughed in this book. I also was opened to some pretty scary things like the fact that oil will continue to rise and one day disappear, the terrorist wars, illegal immigration, etc. Things that made me really realize how far gone this country is and how crazy the world has become. He is very eye opening, funny and this is a book I would totally recommend.
I still need to read this so I'm glad you posted the title, sounds really good!
My hubby read this and so I too absorbed some of it. I love him and so does my hubby!
That was a great book. I also enjoyed his The Real America that came out a couple years ago.
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